Why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?
If I'm not mistaken, all of the school shootings have been carried out by young males.
(The comment below is one I made on an earlier thread on a similar topic)
There are studies that suggest that since the "women's movement" young
males are becoming increasingly lost because large numbers of fathers
are either absent entirely or are distant with their sons because they
too were ignored or neglected or are unsure of their place in the world.
The role of men has become blurred and hard wired masculine traits that
were once thought of as admirable or even necessary, are often deemed
as bad or in need of correction. Boys are no longer able to do things
that boys like to do as a group without girls being included. Girls are
the gold standard of behavior and the message is that boys need to be
more like girls and if men were more like women the world would be a
better place. Fathers are the butt of every joke on television and adult
men are portrayed as clueless buffoons who are mocked and disrespected
by their wives and children. There is evidence that more and more boys
and young men are lost, resentful and hate themselves and are lashing
out at the world around them. Girls on the other hand statistically are
doing better in every way.